Edited by Dion Van Werde & Mathias Dekeyser
Last updated on Thursday, July 4, 2024
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For information on upcoming work, availability of listed items, or the history of this list, please contact Dion Van Werde (
For corrections or additions, please contact Mathias Dekeyser (
For references to audiovisual material, search this page for the word "video".
For more publications by Ton Coffeng, please visit the Ton Coffeng Library.
Aixner, M. (2011). Prä-Therapie. In M. Aixner, Ver(-)rückt? Störungsspezifische Anwendungsfelder der Personenzentrierten Psychotherapie und Beratung am Beispiel der Schizophrenie (pp. 58-64). Unpublished master's thesis. Universität Wien, Wien, Austria. Retrieved from
Armenta, J. (2006). La terapia centrada en el cliente en un contexto psiquiátrico: Del diagnóstico al encuentro con la persona. Enseñanza en Investigación en Psicología, 2, 399-411.
Armenta, J. (2010). Resiliencia y enfermedad mental: una aproximacion desde la terapia centrada en la persona. Enseñanza e Investigacion en Psicologia, 15(1), 183-204.
Ashcroft, K. (2019). Person-Centred Therapeutic Practitioner Perspectives on Using Pre-Therapy. MA thesis: University of Cumbria. [MA in Person-Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy]. Retrieved from
Baljon, M., & Verkade, M. (2015). Concreet spiegelen en contactwerk. In M. Baljon, G. Pool & R. J. Takens (Eds). Persoonsgerichte therapie in de praktijk. Emotiegericht, procesgericht, cliëntgericht (pp. 103-118). Amsterdam: Hogrefe.
Barker, R. (2015). Using Pre-Therapy in forensic settings. In A. Meaden & A. Fox (Eds.), Innovations in psychosocial interventions for psychosis (pp. 22-37). Hove, UK: Routledge.
Brenner, N. (2006). Auf der Suche nach Kontakt. Analyse der Prä-Therapie nach Garry F. Prouty bei Menschen mit einer geistigen Behinderung und Kontaktstörungen. Unpublished master's thesis. Universität Koblenz-Landau, Landau, Germany.
Brenner, N. (2010). Progetto Con-tatto – Qualità della relazione interpersonale per promuovere salute mentale e benessere di persone con disabilità intellettiva (Tactful Contact – A project on the quality of interpersonal relationships to promote mental health and well-being of people with intellectual disabilities). Unpublished manuscript, Università di Padova, Padova, Italy. Retrieved from
Brooks, S., & Paterson, G. (2011). Using contact work in interactions with adults with learning disabilities and autistic spectrum disorders. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 39, 161-166. Abstract available at
Carrick, L. & Mc Kenzie, S. (2011). A heuristic examination of the application of Pre-Therapy skills and the person-centered approach in the field of autism. Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 10, 73-88.
Clarke, C. (2006). Pre-Therapy: A carer's perspective of Prouty's contact work. The Meriden West Midlands Family Programme Newsletter, 2(11), 5-8.
Clarke, C. (2007). A carer's experience of Pre-Therapy and contact work. In P. Sanders (Ed.), The contact work primer (pp. 37-48). Ross-on-Wye, UK: PCCS.
Coffeng, T. (1985). Focussen, een cursus als pre-therapie. Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie, 11, 402-409.
Coffeng, T. (1988). Over de zgn. Pre-therapie en de zgn. Proto-symbolic Method van Garry Prouty. Unpublished manuscript. [Paper for teaching psychiatric residents.]
Coffeng, T. (1996). Experiential and Pre-Experiential Therapy for multiple trauma.. In U. Esser, H. Pabst & G.-W. Speierer (Eds.), The Power of the Person-centered Approach (pp. 185-204). Köln: GwG.
Coffeng, T. (2000). Experiential and pre-experiential therapy for multiple trauma. International Pre-Therapy Review, 1, 13-30.
Coffeng, T. (2024). Enfoque experiencial y pre-experiencial para el trauma múltiple (L. Robles Campos, Trad.). Unpublished manuscript.
Coffeng, T. (1996). The delicate approach to early trauma. In R. Hutterer, G. Pawlowski, P.F. Schmid & R. Stipsits (Eds.), Client-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy. A paradigm in motion (pp. 499-511). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Coffeng, T. (1998). Pre-experiencing: a way to contact trauma and dissociation. The Folio, 17(1), 43-53.
Coffeng, T. (2000). Prä-experientieller Kontakt mit Trauma und Dissoziation. (E. Zinschitz, Trans.) In H.-J. Feuerstein, D. Müller, A.Weiser Cornell (Eds.), Focusing im Prozess (pp. 51-61). Köln: GwG-verlag.
Coffeng, T. (2000). Focusing en de experiëntiële dimensie. In W. Trijsburg, S. Colijn, E. Collumbien, & G. Lietaer (Eds.), Handboek integratieve psychotherapie (pp. IV2.2.1-26). Utrecht: De Tijdstroom.
Coffeng, T. (2002). Two phases of dissociation, two languages. In J. C. Watson, R. N. Goldman, & M. S. Warner (Eds.), Client-centered and experiential psychotherapy in the 21st century (pp. 325-338). Ross-on-Wye: PCCS.
Coffeng, T. (2002). Contact in the therapy of trauma and dissociation. In G. Wyatt & P. Sanders (Eds.), Therapeutic conditions: Evolution, theory and practice. Volume 4. Contact and perception (pp. 153-167). Ross-on-Wye, UK: PCCS.
Coffeng, T. (2004). A border between psychosis and dissociation? Comment on Prouty’s “The hallucination as the unconscious self.” Unpublished manuscript for the Pre-Therapy International Network Meeting, Ghent, Belgium.
Coffeng, T. (2004). Trauma, imagery and focusing. Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 3(4), 277-290.
Coffeng, T. (2005). The therapy of dissociation: Its phases and problems. Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 4, 90-105.
Coffeng, T. (2008). The therapy of dissociation: Its phases and problems. In G. Prouty (Ed.), Emerging developments in Pre-Therapy: a Pre-Therapy reader (pp. 147-163). Ross-on-Wye: PCCS-books. Retrieved October 1, 2018, from
Coffeng, T. (2009). La terapia de la disociación: Sus fases y sus problemas (L. Robles Campos, Trad.). Unpublished manuscript.
Coffeng, T. (2009). In Memoriam: Garry Prouty. Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie, 35, 313.
Coffeng, T. (2014). In Memoriam Garry Prouty. Korean Journal of Psychotherapy, 28(1), 24-25.
Cornelissens, K. (1991). Exploratief onderzoek naar de contact-mogelijkheden van verzorgenden met dementerende bejaarden. Unpublished master’s thesis. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Faculteit Geneeskunde, Leuven, Belgium. [Eindverhandeling Licentiaat Medische-Sociale Wetenschappen en Ziekenhuisbeleid]
Courcha, P. (2015). “She’s talking to me!” Training home carers to use Pre-Therapy contact reflections: an action research study. Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies, 14, 285-299.
Dekeyser, M. (2022). Pre-therapie met psychosegevoelige mensen. Lessen uit proces- en uitkomstenonderzoek. Tijdschrift Persoonsgerichte experiëntiële Psychotherapie, 60(2), 127-131.
Dekeyser, M., Prouty, G., & Elliott, R. (2008). Pre-Therapy process and outcome: A review of research instruments and findings. Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 7, 37-55.
Dekeyser, M., Prouty, G., & Elliott, R. (2014). Pre-Therapy process and outcome: A review of research instruments and findings. In P. Pearce, L. Sommerbeck (Eds.), Person-Centered practice at the difficult edge (pp. 206-222). Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.
De Graeve, G. (2005). Pre-Therapie: eerste hulp bij aangaan van contact. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 47(10), 701-705. Retrieved October 1, 2018, from
De Vre, R. (1992). Prouty’s Pre-Therapie. Unpublished master’s thesis. Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen, Gent, Belgium.
Deleu, C. (1990). Luisteren naar de overstemde. Tijdschrift voor sociale hulpverlening vanuit de Antroposofie, 3, 26-37.
Deleu, C. (1992). Hören und Uberhören ...Uber das Hören von Stimmen und andere Halluzinationen. GwG-Zeitschrift, 23(86), 10-14.
Deleu, C. & Van Werde D. (1998). The relevance of a phenomenological attitude when working with psychotic people. In B. Thorne & E. Lambers (Eds.), Person-Centred Therapy: a European perspective (pp. 206-215). London: Sage.
Dierick, P. (2010). Persoonsgericht werken en Pre-Therapeutisch contactwerk op een psychiatrische afdeling met ouderen. Tijdschrift Cliëntgerichte Psychotherapie, 48, 327-347. Available from:
Dinacci, A. (1990). Pre-Terapia, una nuova opportunità per il trattamento psicologico del cliente schizofrenico. Unpublished medical thesis. Università di Siena, Italia. [Tesi di Specializzazione.]
Dinacci, A. (1994). Colloquio Pre-Therapeutico: Criterio obiettivo di valutazione. Legge e Psiche, Rivista di Psicologia Giuridica, 3(1), 24-32.
Dinacci, A. (1997). Ricerca sperimentale sul trattamento psicologico dei pazienti schizophrenici con la pre-therapia di Dr. G. Prouty. Psicologia della Persona, 2(4), 32-49.
Dinacci, A. (2000). ECPI. Objective Evaluation Criterion for the Pre-Therapy Interview. International Pre-Therapy Review, 1, 31-39.
Dinacci, A. (2000). ECPI: Objective Evaluation Criterion for the Pre-Therapy Interview. In G. Prouty (Ed.), Emerging developments in Pre-Therapy: a Pre-Therapy reader (pp. 75-85). Ross-on-Wye: PCCS-books.
Dinacci, A. (2002). Touch (physical contact) in Pre-Therapy. International Pre-Therapy Review, 2, 12-18.
Dinacci, A. (2003). La Pre-Terapia in Italia, dieci anni dopo. International Pre-Therapy Review, 3, 4.
Dinacci, A. (2003). Pre-Therapy in Italy: Ten years later. International Pre-Therapy Review, 3, 5.
Dinacci, A. (2005). Pre-Therapy: First empathy. International Pre-Therapy Review, 4, 9-10.
Dodds, P. (2007). Pre-Therapy, contact work and dementia care. In P. Sanders (Ed.), The contact work primer (pp. 49-73). Ross-on-Wye, UK: PCCS.
Dodds, P. (2008). Pre-Therapy and Dementia: An action research project. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Brighton, UK. Available from
Dodds, P. (2008). Pre-Therapy and dementia care. In G. Prouty (Ed.), Emerging developments in Pre-Therapy: a Pre-Therapy reader (pp. 15-21). Ross-on-Wye: PCCS-books.
Dodds, P., Bruce-Hay, P., Stapleton, S. (2014). Pre-Therapy and dementia – the opportunity to put Person-Centred theory into everyday practice. In P. Pearce, L. Sommerbeck (Eds.), Person-Centered practice at the difficult edge (pp. 102-118). Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.
Dodds, P., Morton, I., & Prouty, G. (2004). Using Pre-Therapy techniques in dementia care. Journal of Dementia Care, 12(2), 25-28.
Ellingham, I. (2014). The genius of Garry Prouty: An inspirational workshop with Dion Van Werde. Person-Centred Quarterly, 2014(1), 2-6.
Erskine, R. (2015). Meeting Vincent: reconnections from behind the wall – Pre-Therapy in a psychiatric unit context. Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies, 14, 300-309.
Erskine, R. (2022, Winter/Spring). Nature based, "contact" oriented, therapeutic experiences. Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland, 19-51. Available from
Fairhurst, I., & Prouty, G. (2011). Irene Fairhurst in Conversation with Garry Prouty - With special participation of Jill Prouty. In I. Fairhurst (Presenter) and T. C. Graziottin (Director), The Person-Centred Approach: Past, Present and Future - Memories and Conversations [Motion picture]. United Kingdom: BAPCA.
Fisenko, K. (2015). Видеоинтервью с Дионом Ван Верде [Video interview with Dion Van Werde; Video and transcript]. Available from
Freeth, R. (2007). The person-centred approach to severe psychopathology and psychosis. In R. Freeth, Humanising psychiatry and mental health care. The challenge of the person-centred approach (pp. 149-161). Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing.
Friedwagner, S. (2018). Therapeutische Präsenz am Beispiel der Prä-Therapie. München: GRIN Verlag. For sale at
Grandicelli, S. (2005). Establishing contact is the first step. International Pre-Therapy Review, 4, 15-16.
Gurpreet, P., Prouty, G. (2010). Application des réflexions de contact de la pré-thérapie aux clients en traitement pour abus de substances. (M. Saly, F. Ducroux-Biass, Trans.) ACP Pratique et Recherche, 11, 32-45.
Hinterkopf, E., Prouty G. & Brunswick L. (1979). A pilot study of Pre-Therapy Method applied to chronic schizophrenic patients. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, 3, 11-19.
Hipólito de Jesus, J.E. (2001). Prouty, G: Evolução teórica na terapia experiencial centrada-na-pessoa. Nota de leitura. A Pessoa como Centro: Revista de Estudos Rogerianos, 7, 89.
Huh, C.H. (2014). In Remembrance of Garry Prouty : Taopsychotherapy and Pre-Therapy. Korean Journal of Psychotherapy, 28(1), 5-7.
Huh, C. H., & Prouty, G. (s.d.). Taoist psychotherapy and client-centered psychotherapy: echos. Unpublished manuscript.
Huh, C. H., & Prouty, G. (2006). La psychothérapie taoïste et la psychothérapie centrée sur le client: échos. (F. Ducroux-Biass, Trans.) ACP practique et recherche, 4, 37-44.
Huh, C.H., & Prouty, G. (2014). Taoist and Client-Centered psychotherapy: Echoes. Korean Journal of Psychotherapy, 28(1), 50-55.
Huisman, I. (1994). De principes van de pre-therapie van Prouty als middel om in contact te komen met de psychotische mens. Unpublished manuscript, Assen, Nederland. [Eindverhandeling B-opleiding Psychiatrische Verpleegkunde]
Huybrechts, C. (2002). Pre-Therapie: een cliëntgerichte manier om contact tot stand te brengen bij Reinhart, een adolescent met een contactstoornis. Unpublished manuscript, Plantijn Hogeschool, Antwerpen. [Eindwerk aangeboden tot het bekomen van het diploma hoger onderwijs van het korte type; opleiding gegradueerde in de orthopedagogie.]
Huybrechts, E. (2006). Cognitieve Gedragstherapie versus Pre-Therapie in de behandeling van hallucinaties. Unpublished master’s thesis. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen, Leuven, Belgium.
Kim, J.-H., Rhee, D., Martindale, B., Prouty, G., & Taylor, G. (2014). Consultation interview with a schizophrenic inpatient. Korean Journal of Psychotherapy, 28(1), 57-72.
Knapp, C. (2000). Relating Rob: A personal account of Client-Centered work with a non-verbal client diagnosed with schizophrenia, mental retardation and brain damage. The Person-Centered Journal, 7(2), 165-170.
Kreim, O. (2009). Eine Brücke in eine andere Welt. Prä-Therapie: ein zutiefst menschlicher Ansatz in der Begegnung mit Menschen mit Demenz. In Kontext, Zeitschrift für Systemische Perspektiven. (13). pp. 42-44. Available from:
Krietemeyer, B. & Prouty, G. (2003). The art of psychological contact. The psychotherapy of a mentally retarded psychotic client. Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies, 2(3), 151-161.
Krietemeyer, B., & Prouty, G. (2007). The art of psychological contact: The psychotherapy of a mentally retarded psychotic client. In R. Worsley & S. Joseph (Eds.), Person-Centred Practice: Case studies in positive psychology (pp. 125-134). Ross-on-Wye, UK: PCCS.
Krusche, M. (2021). Affektabstimmung in der Prä-therapie. Potentiale der Entwicklungspsychologie von Daniel N. Stern für die Prä-Therapie von Garry Prouty. [Affect attunement in Pre-Therapy. Potential of Daniel N. Stern's developmental psychology for Garry Prouty's Pre-Therapy.] Unpublished master thesis. Department für Psychotherapie und Biopsychosoziale Gesundheit, Donau-Universität Krems, Österreich.
Langner, L. (2011). Personzentrierte Psychotherapie bei Menschen mit eingeschränkten Kontaktfunktionen. Unpublished manuscript, Institut für Personzentrierte Studien, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Personzentrierte Psychotherapie, Gesprächsführung und Supervision, Wien, Austria. [Abschlussarbeit im Rahmen der fachspezifischen Ausbildung Personzentrierte Psychotherapie]
Langner, L. (2017). Personzentrierte Psychotherapie bei eingeschränkten Kontaktfunktionen. Momente der Begegnung durch Prä-Therapie und Klang. Saarbrücken: AV Akademikerverlag.
Laurens, R. (1993). De uitbouw van een bestaande psychoseafdeling tot een meer contactgericht milieu. Unpublished manuscript. Vervolmakingscentrum voor Verpleegkundigen en Vroedvrouwen, Brussel, Belgium. [Eindverhandeling Kaderopleiding Nursing]
Lee, J.-K., Rhee, D., Prouty, G., Craig, E., Kang, S.-H., & Tasman, A. (2014). Consultation interview with a schizophrenic girl. Korean Journal of Psychotherapy, 28(1), 73-97.
Leijssen, M. (1993). Creating a workable distance to overwhelming images: comments on a session transcript. In D. Brazier (Ed.), Beyond Carl Rogers (129-147). London: Constable.
Leijssen, M. & Roelens, L. (1988). Herstel van contact-functies bij zwaar gestoorde patiënten door middel van Prouty’s Pre-Therapie. Tijdschrift Klinische Psychologie, 18(1), 21-34.
Leijssen, S. (2000). Zorg die als muziek in je oren klinkt. Muziektherapie bij dementerende oudere mensen. In T. Wijnen e.a. (Eds.), Praktijkboek kwaliteitszorg in welzijnsvoorzieningen (pp. 112-132). Brussels, Belgium: Politeia.
Leijssen, S. (2002). Liederen voor bejaarden: waar dat allemaal goed voor is. Trefcentrum Derde Leeftijd - Berichten, 20(1), 4-8.
Leijssen S. (2003). 'Je kijkt naar de tekst op dit blad'. Pre-Therapie bij dementerenden. Unpublished manuscript. [Paper tot het bekomen van het getuigschrift van Cliëntgericht Psychotherapeut, FMS, Turnhout.]
Lowe A. R. (2012). A collective case study of the idiosyncratic language of formal thought disorder in cases of disorganized psychosis. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Capella University, Minnesota.
Lunardi, C. (2002). Pre-Therapy treatment with employment of Evaluation Criterion of Pre-Therapy Interview (ECPI): a case. International Pre-Therapy Review, 2, 25-27.
Lunardi, C. (2003). Pre-Therapia. Il punto di vista del pre-terapeuta. International Pre-Therapy Review, 3, 10-11.
Marques-Teixeira, J., Pastor-Fernandes, R., Monteiro, A., Ferraz, D., & Machado, M. (2006). Studying psychological contact in schizophrenic inpatients with client-centred pre-therapy paradigm. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica, 114 (s431), 57. [Proceedings of the XV International Congress for Psychotherapy of Schizophrenia and other Psychoses, Madrid, June 12–16 2006]
Matthyssen, E. (2005). Het gebruik van contactreflecties. Hoe ik contact heb proberen te maken met Gert en zijn wereld ... Unpublished manuscript. Plantijn Hogeschool, Departement Bedrijfsbeheer en Orthopedagogie, Antwerpen, Belgium. [Eindwerk Gegradueerde in de Orthopedagogie] Retrieved from
Mc Williams, K. & Prouty, G. (1998). Life enrichment of a profoundly retarded woman: An application of Pre-Therapy. The Person-Centered Journal, 1, 29-35.
Miessen, G. (1996). Initiation à la pré-thérapie (Compte-rendu). Le Journal de l’ AFPC, 3, 85-90.
Miksch, G. (2000). Client-centered psychotherapy with schizophrenic patients. Personal experiences and formulation of a helpful setting. In: J. Marques-Teixeira & S. Antunes (Eds.), Client-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy (pp. 241-252). Linda a Velha: Vale & Vale.
Miranda, E.M. (2021). Conceitos e Aplicabilidades da Pré-Terapia em pessoas com transtorno mental e comportamental. In W.A. Parreira, & E.M. Miranda, Fundamentos e Aplicações da Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa e da Psicoterapia Experiencial (pp. 41-97). Belo Horizonte: Artesã.
Moore, R. (2013). Pre-Therapy and Contact Work. Rediscovering humanity in working with persons with learning disabilities and/or mental health challenges. Person-Centred Quarterly, 2013(1), 18-23.
Morato, H. T. P. (1990). Entrevista com Dr. Garry Prouty e sua pre-terapia. [Video] São Paulo, Brasil: Nucleo Paulista da Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa. (VHS, color, 30’).
Morato, H. T. P. (1990). Nota sobre o metodo do doutor Garry Prouty. Insight: Psicoterapia, 1(1), 9-10.
Morato, H. (1991). Pré-contato com a Pré-Terapia do Dr. Garry Prouty. Boletim Paulista da Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa, 12, 3-4.
Okamura, T. (1997). Pre-Therapy: Concerning the first condition of the therapeutic personality change. Human Mind, 74, 28-29.
Ondracek, P. (2002). Personenbezogenheit – Ein wichtiger Aspekt der Qualität heilpädagogischer Arbeit. Berufsverband der Heilpädagogen – Info, 8(2), 3-12.
Ondracek, P. (2004). Personzentriertes Arbeiten und Kontaktförderung. Ansatz zur Wirksamkeitserfassung. In H. Greving (Ed.), Jahrbuch Heilpädagogik 2004. Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Tendenzen in der Heilpädagogik (pp. 75-124). Berlin: BHP-Verlag.
Ondracek, P. (2005). Elemente der Prä-Therapie. In H. Greving & P. Ondracek, Handbuch Heilpädagogik (pp. 391-394). Köln: Bildungsverlag EINS.
Pearce, P., & Sommerbeck, L., Eds. (2015). Person-Centered practice at the difficult edge. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.
Peeters, N. (1998). Ergotherapie bij psychosegevoelige mensen: een pre-therapeutische invalshoek. Unpublished manuscript. Katholieke Hogeschool voor Gezondheidszorg Gent, Faculteit Ergotherapie, Gent, Belgium. [Eindwerk Gegradueerde in de Ergotherapie]
Penninckx, L. (2009). Contactreflecties en communicatief contact bij de behandeling van psychose. Unpublished master's thesis. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen, Leuven, Belgium.
Perry, J. (2019). Radical Acceptance. How do Person-Centred and Experiential Pre-Therapy practitioners experience offering unconditional positive regard to clients experiencing psychotic processes? A phenomenological study utilising the Duquesne method. Unpublished manuscript: Staffordshire University, The Sherwood Psychotherapy Training Institute. [Person-Centred & Experiential Psychotherapy – Postgraduate Programme] Available from:
Peters, H. (1986). Prouty’s Pre-Therapie methode en de behandeling van hallucinaties: een verslag. Ruit, Multidisciplinair Tijdschrift voor Ontwikkelingsstoornissen, Zwakzinnigheid en Zwakzinnigenzorg, 12(1), 26-34.
Peters, H. (1986). Prouty’s Pre-Therapie methode en de behandeling van hallucinaties: een verslag. Mededelingenblad Vereniging voor Rogeriaanse Therapie, 3, 34-46.
Peters, H. (s.d.). Prouty’s Pre-Therapy method and the treatment of hallucinations: A report. Unpublished manuscript. (Unknown, Trans.) Retreived from
Peters, H. (1992). Psychotherapie bij geestelijk gehandicapten. Amsterdam/Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.
Peters, H. (1995). Leny. Pre-Therapy met een ernstig zwakzinnige vrouw. [Video] Unpublished recording. The Netherlands. (VHS, color, 15’).
Peters, H. (1996). Toepassing van Prouty’s pretherapeutische methoden in de behandeling van geestelijk gehandicapten. Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, Kinderpsychiatrie en klinische Kinderpsychologie, 21(1), 23-36.
Peters, H. (1999). Pre-Therapy: a client-centered experiential approach to mentally handicapped people. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 39(4) 8-29. Available at:
Peters, H. (2001). Psychotherapeutische Zugänge zu Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
Peters, H. (2002). “Kun je me begrijpen?” Omgaan met verstandelijk gehandicapten in psychotherapie. Leuven/Leusden: ACCO.
Peters, H. (2003). Enkele gedachten over vroegkinderlijk imiteren en intersubjectiviteit in relatie tot aspecten van psychotherapie. Tijdschrift Cliëntgerichte Psychotherapie, 41, 84-115. Available from
Peters, H. (2003). Imitatie, intersubjectiviteit en pretherapeutische reflecties: een samenhang in verschillen. Tijdschrift Cliëntgerichte Psychotherapie, 41, 168-181. Available from:
Peters, H. (2003). Is psychotherapie mogelijk bij ernstig contactgestoorde cliënten? Psychopraxis, 5, 228-231. Available from:
Peters, H. (2004). Pre-Therapie, intersubjectiviteit en autisme. Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Autisme. Theorie en Praktijk, 3, 110-119. Available from:
Peters, H. (2005). Pre-Therapy from a developmental perspective. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 45, 62-81. Available at:
Peters, H. (2006). The development of intersubjectivity in relation to psychotherapy and its importance for Pre-Therapy. Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 5, 191-207. Available at:
Peters, H. (2008). The development of intersubjectivity in relation to psychotherapy and its importance for Pre-Therapy. In G. Prouty (Ed.), Emerging developments in Pre-Therapy: a Pre-Therapy reader (pp. 87-104). Ross-on-Wye: PCCS-books.
Peters, H. (2011). Enkele gedachten over de relatie intersubjectiviteit, imiteren, spiegelneuronen en empathie. Tijdschrift Cliëntgerichte Psychotherapie, 49, 124-136. Available from:
Peters, H. (2014). The relation between intersubjectivity, imitation, mirror neurons, empathy and Pre-Therapy. In P. Pearce, L. Sommerbeck (Eds.), Person-Centered practice at the difficult edge (pp. 138-158). Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books. Available at:
Peters, H. (2022). Beschouwingen met betrekking tot het proefschrift "Affektabstimmung in der Prä-therapie" van Manja Krusche. Unpublished manuscript.
Pfeifer-Schaupp, U. (2007). Prä-Therapie in der Altenpflege. Dr. med. Mabuse, 170, 50-52.
Pfeifer-Schaupp, U. (2008). Prä-Therapie in der Altenpflege. Neue Zugänge zu Menschen mit schwerer Demenz. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 41(5), 1-7.
Pfeifer-Schaupp, U. (2009). Achtsamkeitsbasierte Kontaktarbeit - Prä-Therapie in der Altenpflege. PERSON. Internationale Zeitschrift für Personzentrierte und Experienzielle Psychotherapie und Beratung, 13(1), 14-24.
Pietrzak, S.L. (2014). My journey with professor Garry Prouty. Korean Journal of Psychotherapy, 28(1), 28-29.
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