Special issue dedicated to the memory of Garry Prouty
Post date: 26-May-2015 10:13:31
The Korean Academy of Psychotherapists published a Special Issue of the Korean Journal of Psychotherapy (Vol 28, Number 1, December 2014). Chan Hee Huh, member of ISPS-Korea, was the guest editor of this special issue, dedicated to the memory of Garry Prouty.The collection is focused on Taopsychotherapy and Pre-Therapy, the professional career of Garry Prouty, memories of his family and colleagues, but it also contains original transcripts of client interviews by professor Rhee.
The issue contains several contributions by Chan Hee Huh, Garry Prouty, Jill Prouty, Dongshick Rhee, along the work of Gwen Prouty, Dion Van Werde, Ton Coffeng, Judith Trytten, Sharon Pietrzak, Jong-Ha Kim, Brian Martindale, Graeme Taylor, Jung-Kug Lee, Erik Craig, Suk-Hun Kang, Allan Tasman, Charles Brenner, Marianne Horney Eckardt, and Thomas Kirsch.
Attached to this message is the list of contents.