New article on Pre-Therapy
Post date: 07-Sep-2020 14:25:14
A new article in Acta Psychiatrica Belgica titled ‘Les conditions nécessaires et suffiantes à la modification positive de la personnalité selon Carl Rogers intégrées à la pratique avec le patient souffrant de psychose’ is now available to read.
Written by Emmanuelle Zech, Antoine Xhrouet and Benoît Gillain, the English translation is ‘Carl Rogers’ necessary and sufficient conditions for a positive personality modification among psychotic patients’ and the article includes both an English and Dutch translation of the summary.
This article explores Carl Rogers’ six necessary and sufficient conditions for psychotherapeutic change and the impact of deepening these conditions with patients suffering from psychosis, arguing that Roger's conditions are all the more fundamental given these patients' symptomatology.
The full reference can be found in our References section of the website and you can download and read the article by clicking here.
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